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Rabu, 28 September 2011


disebut sebagai kata penghubung. Di bawah ini akan diberikan tentang macam dan contoh dari Conjunction.

macam & contoh conjunction

Macam Conjunction akan anda lihat di bawah ini :


Semakna dengan 'in addition' yang berarti 'lagipula', 'selain' yang berfungsi menambah informasi. Kata ini mengawali noun/pronoun/gerund.
- Besides doing the cooking, I look after the garden
- Besides this house, Ratna has a beach home
- Besides being good at sport, Sutrisno is good student
- Ratna doesn't want to go there, besides she has already been there
- I can't go now. I am busy. Besides my passport is out of date


Memiliki arti 'namun demikian', mengawali kata keterangan/ sifat/ klausa. Pernyataan yang diawali 'however' berkontradiksi dengan pernyataan lainnya. Kata 'but' dan 'nevertheless' memiliki makna yang senada tatkala mengawali sebuah kalimat. 
1. However
- You couldn't earn much, however hard you work
- I'd like to go ; however, I don't have time


Memiliki arti 'sebaliknya', 'jika tidak', untuk menyatakan kemungkinan akibat yang tidak diharapkan kalau pernyataan sebelumnya/lainnya tidak terpenuhi. Conjunction 'or', 'if not', dan 'unless' dapat menggantikan kedudukannya 'otherwise'.
1. Otherwise
- We must be early; otherwise, we won't get seat
- You go with me, or/otherwise you stay here alone

4. SO

Memiliki arti 'jadi', 'maka', menunjukkan akibat yang terjadi dari pernyataan sebelumnya.
1. So
- They ran so fast that I couldn't beat him


berarti 'oleh karena itu' memiliki makna yang senada dengan 'so', 'consequently', dan 'hence', untuk menunjukkan akibat dari suatu kalimat sebab-akibat
1. Therefore
- There is fog at Cijoho ; therefore, the place has been diverted

6. STILL dan YET

sebagai conjunction mempunyai arti yang sama yaitu 'namun' menunjukkan arti yang kontradiksi.
1. Still dan Yet
- They are ugly and expensive, yet/still people buy them
memiliki arti 'walaupun' menunjukkan kalimat yan bertentanngan dan selamanya diikuti oleh bentuk klausa (S + predikat).
sementara 'despite' dan 'in spite of' meskipun artinya sama yaitu 'walaupun' tetapi conjunction ini harus diikuti frase/fragmen (noun/pronoun/gerund)
1. Though/Although/Eventhough
- Though he had no qualification, he got the job
- Despite of having no qualification, he got the job
- Although it was windy, he continued the cruise
- Inspite of the wind, he continued the cruise


ketiganya dapat berarti 'karena' tatkala diikuti klausa.
1. As/For/Because/Since
- The days were short , as it was not December
- The days were short, because of not December


memiliki arti 'ketika/tatkala/sementara' menunjukkan waktu saat terjadinya sesuatu
1. As/When/While
- My father came while I was studying
- As a student, he knows a lot of knowledge

10. AND

bermakna 'dan' menggabungkan dua buah kata/kalimat/klausa yang bentuk dan fungsinya sama dan setara.
1. And
- I know Dody as an awnfully loyal employee and a very hard worker
- He tried to preserve the environment for future generation by purifying the air and replanting the forest


bermakna 'padahal' untuk menunjukkan kontra harap dengan rujukan pembuktian fakta sebenarnya

12. NOT...UNTIL...

rangkaian 'not...until...' memiliki pengertian 'baru...setelah...'
12. Not...Until...
- I didn't undertand the lesson until the teacher explained it twice
- She could not believe me until I told her the truth


adalah bentuk kalimat pengandaian dengan ciri hadirnya kata jika/apabila,yang umumnya dinyatakan dengan kata if . Di bawah anda akan di berikan macam-macam conditional beserta contoh-contohnya.

macam & contoh CONDITIONAL

Macam Tenses akan anda lihat di bawah ini :

1. Future Conditional (Conditional Type 1)

merupakan the real conditional. Pengandaian ini menyatakan sesuatu mungkin terjadi pada waktu mendatang ataupun sekarang jika syarat/kondisi terpenuhi
Pola :
S1 + V1 + if + S2 + {will/may/can/must} + V1
S1 + V1 + be + if + S2 + {will/can/may/must} + V1
2. PRESENT CONDITIONAL (Conditional Type 2)
pengandaian yang menyatakan sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan apa yang ada/terjadi sekarang atau belakangan ini.
Pola :
if + S1 + V2 + S2 + {would/could/might} + V1/be
For Fact : use don't or does
if + S1 + were +Adj/Noun + S2 + {would/could/might} + be + Adj/Noun
For Fact : use be
3. PAST CONDITIONAL (Conditional Type 3)
Pengandaian yang menyatakan sesuatu yang bertentangan dengan apa yang telah terjadi/sesuatu yang sudah berlalu
Pola :
if + S1 + had + V3 + S2 + {would/could/might} + have V3
For Fact : use Past Tense
if + S1 + had been + Adj/Noun + S2 + {would/could/might} + have been + Adj/Noun


Kata Kerja Tidak Menakutkan Kok!

Wah buguru, ternyata aturannya banyak banget ya. kata kerja yang ini ditambah ~s, yang itu ditambah ~es, yang ini langsung ditambah ~ing, yang satunya musti digandakan dulu konsonan di akhir kata baru ditambah ~ing, belum lagi irregular verbs. belum yang lain-lain lagi. huhu banyak saja.
hehehe… sebelum ada yang ngomel-ngomel (eh ngomel gapapa ding asal jangan sampai patah semangat!) mari sini bugurunana kasi tips. tips yang ini berguna untuk perubahan-perubahan yang terjadi pada kata kerja seperti penambahan ~s, ~es, ~ing ataupun dalam kasus regular dan irregular verbs.
saran bugurunana adalah don’t attempt to memorize all the rules, kecuali bagi yang ingatannya setajam silet (halah!)
… bukan kenapa, banyak aja kan! hehehehe
jauh lebih baik begini.
kumpulkan kata kerja yang kemungkinan dipakainya paling sering dalam hidupmu sehari-hari (mati ga sih bahasa bugurunana hihihi) kumpulan kata kerja ini bisa bervariasi tergantung profesi atau pergaulan kita sehari-hari. misal seorang dokter sering memakai kata kerja menyuntik, kata kerja yang tentu saja jarang dipakai oleh seorang pengacara. ya ga? tapi paling tidak mulailah dari kata kerja seperti sleep, wake up, buy, go, take, get, etc. deal?
lalu pakailah dalam kalimat dimana kata kerja tersebut bisa diubah-ubah sesuai dengan tenses yang digunakan. kalau belum lancar banget, boleh kok daftar aturan penambahan ~s/~es/~ing ataupun irregular verbs dicontek.
kalimat-kalimat itu ga musti ditulis. kalo bugurunana sih hobi sambil mandi gitu bikin-bikin kalimat dalam hati hehehe … atau sambil pup! kalo pas di toilet ga banyak kerjaan kan?
semakin sering kamu berlatih, otak akan menyimpan ingatan soal sleep ~ sleeps ~ slept, go ~ goes ~ went dan kata kerja – kata kerja lainnya! efek positif lainnya adalah kamu pasti akan semakin gape dalam hal per-tenses-an!
asik kan?
tapi ingat jangan cuma berhenti pada kata kerja yang menurut kamu paling sering kamu pakai (apalagi kalo ternyata kamu cuma memasukkan 2 kata kerja :p) tapi teruskan usahamu dengan kata kerja lainnya.
ayo tetap semangat!

Daftar Irregular Verbs yang Sering Digunakan

* * * *
Dibawah ini saya sertakan beberapa irregular verbs yang sering digunakan. Verbs dibawah bukan semua melainkan hanya beberapa yang sering digunakan.
* Bagi teman-teman yang butuh daftar Regular Verbs kalian sebetulnya tidak perlu mencarinya, verbs di luar Irregular Verbs adalah Regular Verbs dan mempunyai rumus untuk V2 dan V3 yang sangat mudah diingat yaitu tinggal tambahkan -ed dari V1. Misalnya : V1 = Play , maka V2 = Played dan V3 = Played. Mudah bukan ? :)
Bentuk Awal Bentuk Lampau Past Participle (Bentuk Ketiga) Arti
awake awoke awoken bangun/bangkit
be was, were been adalah/to be/copula
beat beat beaten mengalahkan
become became become menjadi
begin began begun mulai
bend bent bent membengkokkan
bet bet bet bertaruh
bid bid bid tawaran
bite bit bitten mengigit
blow blew blown meniup
break broke broken mematahkan
bring brought brought mambawa
broadcast broadcast broadcast menyiarkan
build built built membangun
burn burned/burnt burned/burnt membakar
buy bought bought membeli
catch caught caught menangkap
choose chose chosen memilih
come came come datang
cost cost cost biaya
cut cut cut memotong
dig dug dug menggali
do did done melakukan
draw drew drawn menarik
dream dreamed/dreamt dreamed/dreamt bermimpi
drive drove driven mengemudi
drink drank drunk minum
eat ate eaten makan
fall fell fallen jatuh
feel felt felt merasakan
fight fought fought berkelahi
find found found menemukan
fly flew flown terbang
forget forgot forgotten lupa
forgive forgave forgiven memaafkan
freeze froze frozen membeku
get got gotten mendapatkan
give gave given memberikan
go went gone pergi
grow grew grown tumbuhan
hang hung hung menggantung
have had had mempunyai
hear heard heard mendengar
hide hid hidden sembunyi
hit hit hit memukul
hold held held menahan
hurt hurt hurt terluka
keep kept kept menyimpan
know knew known mengetahui
lay laid laid merebahkan
lead led led memimpin
learn learned/learnt learned/learnt belajar
leave left left meninggalkan
lend lent lent meminjamkan
let let let membiarkan
lie lay lain bohong
lose lost lost kehilangan
make made made membuat
mean meant meant maksud
meet met met bertemu
pay paid paid membayar
put put put menaruh
read read read membaca
ride rode ridden mengendarai
ring rang rung membunyikan
rise rose risen muncul
run ran run lari
say said said mengatakan
see saw seen melihat
sell sold sold menjual
send sent sent mengirim
show showed showed/shown menunjukkan
shut shut shut menutup
sing sang sung menyanyi
sit sat sat duduk
sleep slept slept tidur
speak spoke spoken bicara
spend spent spent membelanjakan
stand stood stood berdiri
swim swam swum berenang
take took taken mengambil
teach taught taught mengajarkan
tear tore torn merobek
tell told told memberi tahu
think thought thought berpikir
throw threw thrown melempar
understand understood understood mengerti
wake woke woken bangun
wear wore worn mamakai
win won won menang
write wrote written menulis

"You and I" or "You and me"?


This article explains when to say you and I and when to say you and me.
Consider the following sentence: You and I should have lunch.
Is the correct form of this sentence You and I ... or You and me ...? This is a common source of confusion in English.
Fortunately, there's an easy way to decide whether to use I or me in such sentences. All you have to do is drop the word you then try the sentence with I and me one at a time. For example:
  • I should have lunch.
  • Me should have lunch.
Clearly the preferred form in this case is I; thus, the original sentence was correct to use you and I.
Here's another example: He'll blame you and I. Drop the word you then try the sentence with I and me one at a time, like so:
  • He'll blame I.
  • He'll blame me.
You can see that the second of these is correct. This means that the original sentence should have been: He'll blame you and me.
On a related note, when using phrases such as you and me, you and I or them and us, it has traditionally been considered courteous to place the reference to yourself last. For example, we prefer:
  • He'll ask you and me later.
  • He'll ask me and you later. 

you and i vs you and me?
both are correct:D
lha aplikasinya?

kasih contoh kasus :
You and I will answer the students' questions
na,, lu pake you and I
coz u and i adalah subyek

compare with:

The questions are given to u and me:D
nah " u and me " kan sebagai obyek :D

semoga membantu:D

The Bear and the Bees

An Aesop Fable
Bear, bee, and log 
     A bear came across a log where a swarm of bees had nested to make their honey. As he snooped around, a single little bee flew out of the log to protect the swarm. Knowing that the bear would eat all the honey, the little bee stung him sharply on the nose and flew back into the log.
    This flew the bear into an angry rage. He swatted at the log with his big claws, determined to destroy the nest of bees inside.This only alerted the bees and quick as a wink, the entire swarm of bees flew out of the log and began to sting the bear from head to heel. The bear saved himself by running to and diving into the nearest pond.

The Dog and His Bone

letter d A hound dog found a bone and held it tightly in his mouth. He growled and scowled at anyone who attempted to take it away. Off into the woods he went to bury his prize.
When he came to a stream, he trotted over the footbridge and happened to glance into the water. He saw his own reflection. Thinking it was another dog with a bigger bone, he growled and scowled at it. The reflection growled and scowled back.
"I'll get THAT bone too," thought the greedy dog, and he snapped his sharp teeth at the image in the water.
Alas, his own big bone fell with a splash, out of sight, the moment he opened his mouth to bite!

The Boy Who Cried Wolf

letter B There once was a shepherd boy who was bored as he sat on the hillside watching the village sheep. To amuse himself he took a great breath and sang out, "Wolf! Wolf! The Wolf is chasing the sheep!"
The villagers came running up the hill to help the boy drive the wolf away. But when they arrived at the top of the hill, they found no wolf. The boy laughed at the sight of their angry faces.
"Don't cry 'wolf', shepherd boy," said the villagers, "when there's no wolf!" They went grumbling back down the hill.
Later, the boy sang out again, "Wolf! Wolf! The wolf is chasing the sheep!" To his naughty delight, he watched the villagers run up the hill to help him drive the wolf away.
When the villagers saw no wolf they sternly said, "Save your frightened song for when there is really something wrong! Don't cry 'wolf' when there is NO wolf!"
But the boy just grinned and watched them go grumbling down the hill once more.
Later, he saw a REAL wolf prowling about his flock. Alarmed, he leaped to his feet and sang out as loudly as he could, "Wolf! Wolf!"
But the villagers thought he was trying to fool them again, and so they didn't come.
At sunset, everyone wondered why the shepherd boy hadn't returned to the village with their sheep. They went up the hill to find the boy. They found him weeping.
"There really was a wolf here! The flock has scattered! I cried out, "Wolf!" Why didn't you come?"
An old man tried to comfort the boy as they walked back to the village.
"We'll help you look for the lost sheep in the morning," he said, putting his arm around the youth, "Nobody believes a liar...even when he is telling the truth!"

The City Mouse and the Country Mouse

letter c There once was a mouse who liked his country house until his cousin came for a visit.
"In the city where I live," his cousin said, "we dine on cheese and fish and bread. Each night my dinner is brought to me. I eat whatever I choose. While you, country cousin, work your paws to the bone for humble crumbs in this humble home. I'm used to finery. To each his own, I see!"
Upon hearing this, the country mouse looked again at his plain brown house. Suddenly he wasn't satisfied anymore. "Why should I hunt and scrape for food to store?" he said. "Cousin, I'm coming to the city with you!"
Off they went into the fine town house of the plump and prosperous city mouse.
"Shhh! The people are in the parlor," the city mouse said. "Let's sneak into the kitchen for some cheese and bread."
The city mouse gave his wide-eyed country cousin a grand tour of the leftover food on the table. "It's the easy life," the city mouse said, and he smiled as he bit into a piece of bread.
Just as they were both about to bite into a chunk of cheddar cheese, In came the CAT!
"Run! Run!" said the city mouse. "The cat's in the house!"
Just as the country mouse scampered for his life out of the window, he said, "Cousin, I'm going back to the country! You never told me that a CAT lives here! Thank you, but I'll take my humble crumbs in comfort over all of your finery with fear!"

The Lion and the Mouse

letter l A small mouse crept up to a sleeping lion. The mouse admired the lion's ears, his long whiskers and his great mane.
"Since he's sleeping," thought the mouse, "he'll never suspect I'm here!"
With that, the little mouse climbed up onto the lion's tail, ran across its back, slid down its leg and jumped off of its paw. The lion awoke and quickly caught the mouse between its claws.
"Please," said the mouse, "let me go and I'll come back and help you someday."
The lion laughed, "You are so small! How could ever help me?"
The lion laughed so hard he had to hold his belly! The mouse jumped to freedom and ran until she was far, far away.
The next day, two hunters came to the jungle. They went to the lion's lair. They set a huge rope snare. When the lion came home that night, he stepped into the trap.
He roared! He wept! But he couldn't pull himself free.
The mouse heard the lion's pitiful roar and came back to help him.
The mouse eyed the trap and noticed the one thick rope that held it together. She began nibbling and nibbling until the rope broke. The lion was able to shake off the other ropes that held him tight. He stood up free again!
The lion turned to the mouse and said, "Dear friend, I was foolish to ridicule you for being small. You helped me by saving my life after all!"


Tahukah anda apa yang di maksudkan dengan program Deep Freeze pada komputer?..Deep Freeze adalah salah satu program yang berfungsi untuk membekukan sistem windows pada komputer anda. Maksudnya jika anda menggunakan program Deep Freeze pada komputer anda dan apabila ada teman atau saudara anda melakukan perubahan setingan pada komputer tersebut maka ketika komputer tersebut di restart atau dimatikan, program Deep Freeze akan mengembalikan setingan komputer anda ke dalam bentuk semula sesuai dengan setingan yang telah anda lakukan sebelumnya. Program Deep Freeze biasanya digunakan di warnet-warnet untuk mengamankan sistem windows agar sistem windowsnya selalu normal.
Perlu anda ketahui juga bahwa jika anda menggunakan program Deep Freeze pada komputer anda maka program tersebut tidak akan ditampilkan pada Start menu dan juga tidak akan ditampilkan pada Add & Remove program sehingga anda tidak akan bisa menghapus program tersebut dari komputer anda. Untuk mengetahui adanya program Deep Freeze pada komputer, anda dapat melihatnya melalui gambar icon Deep Freeze pada daerah taskbar yang berdekatan dengan tampilan jam pada sebelah kanan bawah layar komputer anda.
Jika anda telah menginstal program Deep Freeze pada komputer maka selama program Deep Freeze aktif pada komputer, anda tidak akan bisa menginstal program lain atau memasukkan data ke dalam komputer tersebut karena ketika komputer tersebut di restart atau dihidupkan kembali maka program atau data yang terakhir dimasukkan akan dihilangkan secara otomatis. oleh sebab itu maka sebelum anda menginstal atau memasukkan data kedalam komputer maka anda harus lebih dahulu menonaktifkan program Deep Freeze pada komputer anda. cara untuk menonaktifkan program Deep Freeze pada komputer anda adalah sebagai berikut:
1.tekan tombol ctrl+alt+shift+del.maka akan muncul tampilan password,setelah itu masukan password.
2.selanjutnya pada Status on Next Boot pilih menjadi Boot Thawed selanjutnya klik tombol OK dan restartlah komputer anda. setelah komputer anda dihidupkan kembali maka program Deep Freeze pada komputer telah dinonaktifkan yang ditandai dengan adanya tanda silang pada gambar Deep Freeze pada taskbar. selanjutnya anda sudah dapat menginstal program lain serta memasukkan data ke dalam komputer anda.
3. jika anda ingin mengaktifkan kembali program Deep Freeze pada komputer anda maka lakukanlah seperti pada langkah no.1. masukanlah password kembali dan kliklah tombol OK sehngga menampilkan Boot Control Deep Freeze.lalu ubahlah menu Boot Thawed menjadi Boot Frozen.


banyak cara untuk mempercepat kinerja windows XP, salah satu caranya adalah dengan memodifikasi regedit,
disini saya akan memberikan cara agar launch start menu lebih cepat.
pada dasarnya bila kita meng-klik start (bawah pojok kiri), lalu klik menu laine, misal “all program”, lalu “microsoft office” lalu “microsoft word” akan memakan waktu beberapa detik. Hal ini bisa dipercepat dengan memodifikasi regedit. begini caranya:
1. buka run
2. ketikan “regedit” (tanpa tanda kutip)
3. setelah jendela regedit terbuka, pencet “Ctrl+F” atau klik “Edit” lalu “Find…”
4. lalu ketikan kata “MenuShowDelay” pada kolom “Find what”
Tunggu bentar ya….
5. setelah muncul, klik dua kali “MenuShowDelay”
6. akan keluar jendela tersendiri, liat pada kolom “Value data”
secara default akan terisi nilai 400
7. ubah nilai 400 tersebut menjadi 1
8. setelah selesai, tutup jendela registry editor
9. reboot komputer, dan rasakan perbedaannya

Senin, 26 September 2011

Past Continuous Tense

Formula untuk Past Continuous atau Past Progressive Tense adalah:
Subject + (Was/Were) + (Verb1+ing) + Object + Modifier
  1. Farmers in Jati Bali were growing rice crops at 9 a.m yesterday. (Petani-petani di Jati Bali sedang menanam padi jam 9 pagi kemarin).
  2. Some students were conducting research on vegetative plant propagations when I went to the agronomy laboratory two days ago. (Beberapa siswa sedang melakukan penelitian pada perbanyakan tanaman vegetatif ketika saya pergi ke lab. agronmy dua hari lalu).
  3. Transpiration was starting to increase at 8 a.m. this morning. (Transpirasi sedang mulai meningkat jam 8 pagi tadi).

Penggunaan Past Continuous Tense

1. Past Continuous Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang sedang terjadi pada waktu yang spesifik di masa lampau. Dalam hal ini, spesifikasi waktu biasanya dinyatakan dengan jam (i.e. jam berapa kejadian itu berlangsung).
  1. My daughter was watching TV at eight o’clock last night. (Anak saya sedang nonton TV jam 8 tadi malam).
  2. She was copying the materials at 10 o’clock this morning. (Dia sedang memfotokopi materi jam 10 tadi pagi).
  3. I was discussing English with my classmates at 2 p.m. last Friday. (Saya sedang mendiskusikan bahasa Inggris dengan teman-teman kelas saya jam 2 sore hari Jumat yang lalu).
  4. I was being busy at 8 o’clock yesterday morning. (Saya sedang sibuk jam 8 pagi kemarin).
  5. They were being very happy at 9 o’clock last Saturday night. (Mereka sedang sangat bahagia jam 9 malam minggu lalu).
2. Past Continuous Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang sedang terjadi atau sedang berlangsung di masa lampau, yang terinterupsi oleh kejadian yang lain. Dalam hal ini, formulanya adalah sebagai berikut:
When + subject1 + simple past tense, subject2 + past continuous
Subject1 + past continuous + when + subject2 + simple past tense
Note: Kejadian/aktivitas yang menginterupsi dinyatakan dalam past tense dan berfungsi sebagai keterangan waktu. Jika ditempatkan di awal kalimat, sisipkan tanda koma sebelum main clause.
  1. When I came home, my daughter was watching TV. (Ketika saya pulang, putri saya sedang nonton TV).
  2. When I called him last night, he was playing card with his friends. (Ketika saya telpon dia tadi malam, dia sedang main kartu dengan teman-temannya).
  3. When she screamed for help, we were chitchatting. (Ketika dia berteriak minta tolong, kami sedang ngobrol).
  4. When someone broke into our house, we were sleeping.  (Ktika seseorang masuk/mencuri ke dalam rumah kami, kami sedang tidur).
  5. I held my breath when somebody was behaving suspiciously in my backyard. (Saya menahan nafas saya ketika seseorang bertingkah laku mencurigakan di belakang rumah saya).
3. Past Continuous Tense juga digunakan untuk menyatakan dua kejadian yang terjadi pada saat bersamaan di masa lampau. Dalam hal ini, formula berikut biasanya digunakan.
While + subject1 + past continuous, subject2 + past continuous
Subject1 + past continuous + while + subject2 + past continuous
  1. While I was typing this note, my family was watching TV in the family room. (Sementara saya sedang mengetik catatan ini, keluarga saya sedang nonton TV di ruang keluarga).
  2. While the president was giving his speech, the audience was listening to him carefully. (Sementara presiden sedang berpidato, pemirsa/hadirin sedang mendengarkannya dengan seksama).
  3. Male students were playing around while female ones were chitchatting. (Murid-murid laki-laki sedang bermain-main sementara murid-murid wanita sedang ngobrol).
  4. My roommate was snoring loudly while I was studying. (Teman sekamar saya sedang mendengkur keras sementara saya sedang belajar).
  5. We were smoking while we were drinking. (Kami sedang merokok sementara kami sedang minum).

Negative Form untuk Past Continuous Tense

Bentuk negatif dari kalimat dalam Past Continuous Tense dibuat dengan menambahkan ‘not’ setelah be were/was, seperti yang terlihat dalam formula berikut:
Subject + (was/were) + not + (verb1+ing) + object + modifier
  1. My daughter was not watching TV at eight o’clock last night. (Anak saya tidak sedang nonton TV jam 8 tadi malam).
  2. She was not copying the materials at 10 o’clock this morning. (Dia tidak sedang memfotokopi materi jam 10 tadi pagi).
  3. I was not discussing English with my classmates at 2 p.m. last Friday. (Saya tidak sedang mendiskusikan bahasa Inggris dengan teman-teman kelas saya jam 2 sore hari Jumat yang lalu).
  4. I was not being busy at 8 o’clock yesterday morning. (Saya sedang tidak sibuk jam 8 pagi kemarin).
  5. They were not being very happy at 9 o’clock last Saturday night. (Mereka sedang tidak sangat bahagia jam 9 malam minggu lalu).
  6. When I came home, my daughter was not watching TV. (Ketika saya pulang, putri saya tidak sedang nonton TV).
  7. When I called him last night, he was not playing card with his friends. (Ketika saya telpon dia tadi malam, dia tidak sedang main kartu dengan teman-temannya).
  8. When she screamed for help, we were not chitchatting. (Ketika dia berteriak minta tolong, kami sedang ngobrol).
  9. Someone broke into our house when we were not sleeping.  (Seseorang masuk/mencuri ke dalam rumah kami ketika kami tidak sedang tidur).
  10. I breathed well when somebody was not behaving suspiciously in my backyard. (Saya bernafas lega ketika seseorang tidak sedang bertingkah laku mencurigakan di belakang rumah saya).
  11. While I was not typing this note, we were watching TV in the family room. (Sementara saya sedang mengetik catatan ini, kami sedang nonton TV di ruang keluarga).
  12. While the president was giving his speech, the audience was not listening to him carefully. (Sementara presiden sedang berpidato, pemirsa/hadirin tidak sedang mendengarkannya dengan seksama).
  13. Male students were not playing around while female ones were chitchatting. (Murid-murid laki-laki tidak sedang bermain-main sementara murid-murid wanita sedang ngobrol).
  14. My roommate was not snoring loudly while I was studying. (Teman sekamar saya sedang tidak mendengkur keras sementara saya sedang belajar).
  15. We were not smoking while we were not drinking. (Kami sedang  tidak sedang merokok sementara kami tidak sedang minum).
Note: NOT dapat dikontraksi dengan be di depannya menjadi: wasn’t dan weren’t. Tetapi, penggunaan kontraksi dianggap sedikit kurang formal.

Yes/No Questions untuk Past Continuous Tense

Bentuk Yes/No Questions untuk Past Continuous Tense mengikuti formula berikut:
(Was/were) +subject + (verb1+ing) + object + modifier?
  1. Was your daughter watching TV at eight o’clock last night? (Apakah putrid kamu sedang nonton TV jam 8 tadi malam?).
  2. Was she copying the materials at 10 o’clock this morning? (Apakah dia sedang memfotokopi materi jam 10 tadi pagi?).
  3. Were you discussing English with your classmates at 2 p.m. last Friday? (Apakah kamu sedang mendiskusikan bahasa Inggris dengan teman-teman kelasmu  jam 2 sore hari Jumat yang lalu?).
  4. Were you being busy at 8 o’clock yesterday morning? (Apakah kamu sedang sibuk jam 8 pagi kemarin?).
  5. Were they being very happy at 9 o’clock last Saturday night? (Apakah mereka sedang sangat bahagia jam 9 malam minggu lalu?). Dan seterusnya.

Modifier of time untuk Past Continuous Tense

Dari contoh-contoh kalimat di atas dapat kita lihat bahwa modifier of time (keterangan waktu) untuk kalimat-kalimat dalam past continuous tense adalah berupa advervial phrases, yaitu:
  1. at + jam + last night/two days ago/yesterday morning, dst. Misalnya: at eight o’clock last night, at 10 this morning, dst.
  2. when + simple past tense. Misalnya: when I came home, when I called him last night, dst.
  3. while + past continuous tense. Misalnya: while I was typing this note, while we were drinking, dst.

Preposisi dan Kata Penghubung Waktu - for / during / while / when

1. For
For menunjukkan berapa lama sesuatu terjadi. Ini digunakan untuk menunjuk pada sebuah periode waktu. Contoh:
  • We’re going to live in Malta for 6 months.
  • She’s in New York for a few days.
  • We went to Saudi Arabia for a week.
Lihat juga unit terkait tentang Present Perfect dan since.
2. While / During
During dan while menunjuk pada sebuah periode waktu dimana sesuatu terjadi. Contoh:
  • My phone rang while I was in a meeting.
  • My phone rang during the meeting.
During digunakan bersama kata benda atau frase kata benda. Contoh:
  • We were busy during the weekend.
  • During the night the cat woke me up.
  • The Athenians suffered heavy losses during the battle of Salamis.
While digunakan bersama subjek dan kata kerja. Contoh:
  • We went shopping while you were sleeping.
  • You shouldn’t eat while you are in the library.
  • While I was working I got an email from Tamara.
3. When / While
When dan while keduanya bisa digunakan apabila dua hal terjadi pada saat yang sama.
Apabila dua tindakan kontinyu terjadi pada saat yang sama, biasanya kita menggunakan while. Contoh:
  • While you were studying I went out shopping.” Studying dan shopping adalah tindakan.
Apabila dua peristiwa singkat terjadi pada saat yang sama, kita menggunakan when. Contoh:
  • When I saw you I didn’t recognize you.” I saw you dan I didn’t recognize you adalah peristiwa tersendiri.
  • I heard you when you opened the door.
Dalam situasi ini, penggunaan while tidak benar. Contoh
  • While I saw you I didn’t recognize you.”
Jika salah satu situasi dasar kontinyu terjadi dan satu kejadian singkat lainnya terjadi pada saat yang sama, maka when maupun while keduanya bisa digunakan. Contoh:
  • “When I was in Rome I met my wife.” - “While I was in Rome I met my wife.”
  • “I cut myself while I was cooking dinner.” - “I cut myself when I was cooking dinner.”
Posisi klausa while dan when dapat saling ditukar yang biasanya menghasilkan sedikit perbedaan makna.
  • Don’t forget to lock the door when you go out. - When you go out don’t forget to lock the door.
  • We’re still growing while other businesses are losing clients. - While other businesses are losing clients, we’re still growing.

Rabu, 21 September 2011

Personal Pronoun (Kata Ganti Orang)

Halo semua, pernah denger personal pronoun? Pasti donk. Kalo dalam bahasa Indonesia personal pronoun misalnya: saya, dia (wanita), dia (pria), kamu dan mereka. Untuk benda dan binatang panggilnya apa ya? Hehehe.
Personal Pronoun (Kata Ganti Orang) adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menggantikan orang, benda, binatang atau hal lainnya. Personal Pronoun bisa digunakan sebagai Nominative (Subjek), Accusative (Objek), Possessive Adjective (Kata Sifat Kepemilikan) dan Possessive Pronoun (Kata Ganti Pemilik).


SUBJECT: terletak diawal kalimat
OBJECT: terletak setelah verb setelah preposition (kata depan)
POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVE: terletak sebelum noun
POSSESSIVE PRONOUN: sebagai subjek, sebagai objek

a. Kata Ganti Sebagai Subjek (Nominative Pronoun)
Nominative Pronoun (Kata Ganti Sebagai Subjek) diletakkan di awal kalimat. Nominative Pronoun terdiri dari:

Orang Pertama Tunggal (Aku)
Orang Kedua Tunggal (Kamu)
Orang Ketiga Tunggal (Dia untuk laki-laki)
Orang Ketiga Tunggal (Dia untuk wanita)
Orang Ketiga Tunggal (Dia untuk benda dan binatang)
Orang Pertama Jamak (Kami/kita)
Orang Kedua Jamak (Kalian)
Orang Ketiga Jamak (Mereka, untuk orang, benda dan binatang)

Susan is a student - She is a student
Roger is a teacher – He is a teacher
You and I are students – We are students
Susan and Andy are students – They are students
The dog and the cat are fat – They are fat
You and Susan are students – You are students

b. Kata Ganti Sebagai Objek (Accusative Pronoun)
Accusative pronoun (Kata ganti sebagai objek) terdiri dari:


Personal Pronoun sebagai objek terletak setelah verb (kata kerja) dan setelah preposition (kata depan).

Mr. Bambang loves Mrs. Astuti – Mr. Bambang loves her.
I visit Mr. Rudi every Sunday – I visit him every Sunday.
She knows you and me – She knows us.
We meet Yuda and Yudhi everyday – We meet them everyday.
They like the cat – They like it.
I get the novels from Mrs. Nitya – I get them from her.

c. Possessive Adjective (Kata Ganti sebagai Milik)
Pronoun sebagai Possessive Adjecive diletakkan didepan Noun (Kata Benda) untuk menunjukkan kepemilikan.

My name
Your name
Their name
Our name
His name
Her name
Its name

Untuk menunjukkan milik tidak menggunakan kata ganti (pronoun) tetapi menggunakan nama atau kata benda, digunakan apostrophe (tanda ‘) ditambah s dibelakang nama atau kata benda tersebut.
Tetapi jika berakhiran dengan huruf desis (seperti “s” atau “z”) cukup ditambah dengan tanda apostrophe (tanda ‘) saja.

Budi’s house (Rumah budi)
Rini’s house
My aunt’s car
My sister’s friend
Sulis’ cat
Agus’ hat

d. Possessive Pronoun (Kata Ganti Pemilik)
Possessive Pronoun adalah kata ganti yang menunjukkan milik yang menempati posisi Subjek, Objek atau Complement dalam sebuah kalimat.

Milik mereka
Milik kami / kita
Milik dia pria
Milik dia wanita

Bila tidak menggunakan Possessive Pronoun, untuk menunjukkan milik digunakan akhiran tanda “apostrophe” (‘) ditambah dengan “s”, tetapi apabila kata bendanya berakhiran dengan huruf desisi (misalnya s atau z) cukup ditambah tanda apostrophe saja.
• Joko’s (Milik Joko)
• My uncle’s (Milik pamanku)
• Rini’s (Milik Rini)
• Agus’ (Milik Agus)
• Lilis’ (Milik Lilis)
• Her sons’ (Milik anak-anak laki-lakinya)
• Mrs. Davis’ (Milik nyonya Davis)

My car is the black one – Mine is the black one.
His wallet is beautiful – His is beautiful.
They like her skirt – They like hers.
Hey bought his car yesterday – They bought his yesterday

Selasa, 20 September 2011

Modern English alphabet

English alphabet


Vowels and diphthongs

This chart shows the vowels and diphthongs used in standard varieties of English spoken in the USA, Australia, England, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, Scotland and Wales. There is significant variation in the vowel sounds used within most of these countries, and in other countries where English is spoken.
English vowels and diphthongs


AmE = American English (General American), AuE = Australian English, BrE = British English (RP), CaE = Canadian English, IrE = Irish English, NZE = New Zealand English, SAE = South African English, ScE = Scottish English, WeE = Welsh English


English consonants
The weekdays
A week consists of seven days:


The preposition used with days is ‘on’.
On Saturday, I will go to the cinema.
On Monday, I have to work.
He is going to play football on Friday.

:) Ok? - Now...:

The months
A year consists of twelve months:


The preposition used with months is 'in’.
My birthday is in May.
We will travel to Australia in December.
In September, Jenny will start her studies.

The four seasons:

spring: March, April, May
summer: June, July, August
autumn: September, October, November
winter: December, January, February

A lot of flowers bloom in spring.
In winter it often snows.

:) Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand one last aspect:
The date

When you write the date on top of a letter of example you write:
Saturday, December 11th 2004 or
Saturday, Dec 11th 2004

When you use a date in a sentence you do as follows:

His birthday is on October 21st.
Christmas is on December 25th.
On January 1st the new year begins.
We will arrive on March 22nd.

You also say:

in 1985
in 2004
in the 19th century
in the twenties

:D Any questions? :D

English Adjectives

What is an Adjective?
An adjective is a word that tells us more about a noun or a pronoun.
An adjective describes or modifies a noun.
Adjective lists that follow each topic are only partial ones.
Three Questions.
Adjectives usually answer three questions about the nouns they describe:

1. What kind of?
  • I found a red rose in the cave.

  • What kind of rose? Red

    2. How many?

  • Three tickets, please.

  • How many tickets? Three.

    3. Which one(s)?

  • I would eat these muffins.

  • Which muffins? These.

  • Kinds of adjectives.
    1. Demonstrative adjective
    this, that, these, those are called demonstrative adjectives. They point out nouns.
    They always answer the question which one?
    In the following example, demonstrative adjectives are shown in color.
  • Lets play this game and later watch that movie.

    Remember that this, that, these, those can also act as demonstrative pronouns in which case they are not followed by nouns (as demonstrative adjectives are), but take the place of nouns.
    In the following example, demonstrative pronouns are shown in color.

  • Lets play this and later watch that.

    2. Common adjective is just a simple, regular adjective. It describes a noun in a general way.
    sharp, flexible, hot, red, hidden, dripping, nice, huge.

    3. Proper adjective is derived from a proper noun and is capitalized.
    Proper noun   Proper adjective
    China   Chinese
    California   Californian
    Mars   Martian
    Spain   Spanish
    Christianity   Christian
    Japan   Japanese
    Hollywood   Hollywood
    Texas   Texas
    Sometimes, as in last two examples, a proper noun does not change at all to become a proper adjective.

  • Where an adjective goes in a sentence.
    Usually an adjective comes in front of the noun it is describing.
  • The big balloon floated over the dark sea.

    An adjective can also come after a linking verb, like to be, and describe the subject of the sentence. In this case it is called predicate adjective.

  • The balloon was dark.

  • Adjective Links

  • What is an adjective? from HyperGrammar

  • Adjective from wikipedia

  • Adjectives quizzes and lists:
    List of adjectives
    Spelling of adjectives
    Comparison of adjectives:
    Positive degree – the simplest form.
    Comparative degree – comparing two things or persons.
    Superlative degree – comparing three or more things or persons.

    Positive Comparative Superlative
    large larger largest
    horrible more horrible most horrible

    How to compare adjectives
    1. Add er and est to short adjectives of one syllable (sometimes two syllables)
    Positive Comparative Superlative
    short shorter shortest
    great greater greatest
    small smaller smallest
    old older oldest

    2. If a short adjective ends with consonant and y, change the y to i and add er and est.
    Positive Comparative Superlative
    lucky luckier luckiest
    heavy heavier heaviest
    happy happier happiest
    silly sillier silliest
    ugly uglier ugliest

    3. If a short adjective ends with e, add er and st.
    Positive Comparative Superlative
    little littler littlest
    fine finer finest

    4. Put more(less) and most(least) in front of longer adjectives (with two or more syllables) to show comparison.
    Positive Comparative Superlative
    appealing less appealing least appealing
    remarkable more remarkable most remarkable
    beautiful more beautiful most beautiful
    alert more alert most alert

    If you are uncertain whether to add er and est or to use more and most, then check dictionary. In most cases, you can trust your ears.

    Some adjectives are irregular adjectives and don't follow thee rules. They change form considerably from one degree to the next. You need to study these changes carefully in order to recognize them easily.
    List of irregular adjectives.
    Positive Comparative Superlative
    bad worse worst
    far further furthest
    far farther farthest
    good better best
    many more most
    little less least
    old elder eldest
    well (healthy) better best

    Never use er or est at the same time you use more or most. These are incorrect: more shorter, most alertest

    Incomparable adjectives.
    Some adjectives cannot be compared because the positive (simplest) form expresses the only degree possible.
    List of incomparable adjectives: perfect, unique, fatal, universal, dead, wrong, straight, blind, final, vertical, right, left

    Countries & Nationality

    This chart lists many of the countries or nations in the world, with the following information:
    • Name of country
    • Adjective used for that country (also describes nationality)
    • Noun used for a person from that country
    Look at these example sentences:
    She comes from France. She is French. Her nationality is French. She is a Frenchwoman. She drives a French car. She speaks French.
    AfghanistanAfghanan Afghan
    AlbaniaAlbanianan Albanian
    AlgeriaAlgerianan Algerian
    AndorraAndorranan Andorran
    AngolaAngolanan Angolan
    ArgentinaArgentinianan Argentinian
    ArmeniaArmenianan Armenian
    AustraliaAustralianan Australian
    AustriaAustrianan Austrian
    AzerbaijanAzerbaijanian Azerbaijani
    BahamasBahamiana Bahamian
    BahrainBahrainia Bahraini
    BangladeshBangladeshia Bangladeshi
    BarbadosBarbadiana Barbadian
    BelarusBelorussian or Byelorussiana Belorussian or a Byelorussian
    BelgiumBelgiana Belgian
    BelizeBeliziana Belizian
    BeninBeninesea Beninese
    BhutanBhutanesea Bhutanese
    BoliviaBoliviana Bolivian
    Bosnia-HerzegovinaBosniana Bosnian
    BotswanaBotswanana Tswana
    BrazilBraziliana Brazilian
    BritainBritisha Briton
    BruneiBruneiana Bruneian
    BulgariaBulgariana Bulgarian
    BurkinaBurkinesea Burkinese
    Burma (official name Myanmar)Burmesea Burmese
    BurundiBurundiana Burundian
    CambodiaCambodiana Cambodian
    CameroonCamerooniana Cameroonian
    CanadaCanadiana Canadian
    Cape Verde IslandsCape Verdeana Cape Verdean
    ChadChadiana Chadian
    ChileChileana Chilean
    ChinaChinesea Chinese
    ColombiaColombiana Colombian
    CongoCongolesea Congolese
    Costa RicaCosta Ricana Costa Rican
    CroatiaCroat or Croatiana Croat or a Croatian
    CubaCubana Cuban
    CyprusCypriota Cypriot
    Czech RepublicCzecha Czech
    DenmarkDanisha Dane
    DjiboutiDjiboutiana Djiboutian
    DominicaDominicana Dominican
    Dominican RepublicDominicana Dominican
    EcuadorEcuadoreanan Ecuadorean
    EgyptEgyptianan Egyptian
    El SalvadorSalvadoreana Salvadorean
    EnglandEnglishan Englishman, an Englishwoman
    EritreaEritreanan Eritrean
    EstoniaEstonianan Estonian
    EthiopiaEthiopianan Ethiopian
    FijiFijiana Fijian
    FinlandFinnisha Finn
    FranceFrencha Frenchman, a Frenchwoman
    GabonGabonesea Gabonese
    Gambia, theGambiana Gambian
    GeorgiaGeorgiana Georgian
    GermanyGermana German
    GhanaGhanaiana Ghanaian
    GreeceGreeka Greek
    GrenadaGrenadiana Grenadian
    GuatemalaGuatemalana Guatemalan
    GuineaGuineana Guinean
    GuyanaGuyanesea Guyanese
    HaitiHaitiana Haitian
    Holland (also Netherlands)Dutcha Dutchman, a Dutchwoman
    HondurasHondurana Honduran
    HungaryHungariana Hungarian
    IcelandIcelandican Icelander
    IndiaIndianan Indian
    IndonesiaIndonesianan Indonesian
    IranIranianan Iranian
    IraqIraqian Iraqi
    Ireland, Republic ofIrishan Irishman, an Irishwoman
    IsraelIsraelian Israeli
    ItalyItalianan Italian
    JamaicaJamaicana Jamaican
    JapanJapanesea Japanese
    JordanJordaniana Jordanian
    KazakhstanKazakha Kazakh
    KenyaKenyana Kenyan
    Korea see North Korea, South Korea

    KuwaitKuwaitia Kuwaiti
    LaosLaotiana Laotian
    LatviaLatviana Latvian
    LebanonLebanesea Lebanese
    LiberiaLiberiana Liberian
    LibyaLibyana Libyan
    Liechtenstein-a Liechtensteiner
    LithuaniaLithuaniana Lithuanian
    Luxembourg-a Luxembourger
    MacedoniaMacedoniana Macedonian
    MadagascarMalagasay or Madagascana Malagasay or a Madagascan
    MalawiMalawiana Malawian
    MalaysiaMalaysiana Malaysian
    MaldivesMaldiviana Maldivian
    MaliMaliana Malian
    MaltaMaltesea Maltese
    MauritaniaMauritaniana Mauritanian
    MauritiusMauritiana Mauritian
    MexicoMexicana Mexican
    MoldovaMoldovana Moldovan
    MonacoMonégasque or Monacana Monégasque or a Monacan
    MongoliaMongoliana Mongolian
    MontenegroMontenegrina Montenegrin
    MoroccoMoroccana Moroccan
    MozambiqueMozambicana Mozambican
    Myanmar see Burma--
    NamibiaNamibiana Namibian
    NepalNepalesea Nepalese
    Netherlands, the (see Holland)Dutcha Dutchman, a Dutchwoman, or a Netherlander
    New ZealandNew Zealand (used attributively only, as in New Zealand butter but not He is New Zealand)a New Zealander
    NicaraguaNicaraguana Nicaraguan
    NigerNigeriena Nigerien
    NigeriaNigeriana Nigerian
    North KoreaNorth Koreana North Korean
    NorwayNorwegiana Norwegian
    OmanOmanian Omani
    PakistanPakistania Pakistani
    PanamaPanamaniana Panamanian
    Papua New GuineaPapua New Guinean or Guineana Papua New Guinean or a Guinean
    ParaguayParaguayana Paraguayan
    PeruPeruviana Peruvian
    the PhilippinesPhilippinea Filipino
    PolandPolisha Pole
    PortugalPortuguesea Portuguese
    QatarQataria Qatari
    RomaniaRomaniana Romanian
    RussiaRussiana Russian
    RwandaRwandana Rwandan
    Saudi ArabiaSaudi Arabian or Saudia Saudi Arabian or a Saudi
    ScotlandScottisha Scot
    SenegalSenegalesea Senegalese
    SerbiaSerb or Serbiana Serb or a Serbian
    Seychelles, theSeychelloisa Seychellois
    Sierra LeoneSierra Leoniana Sierra Leonian
    SingaporeSingaporeana Singaporean
    SlovakiaSlovaka Slovak
    SloveniaSlovene or Sloveniana Slovene or a Slovenian
    Solomon Islands-a Solomon Islander
    SomaliaSomalia Somali
    South AfricaSouth Africana South African
    South KoreaSouth Koreana South Korean
    SpainSpanisha Spaniard
    Sri LankaSri Lankana Sri Lankan
    SudanSudanesea Sudanese
    SurinameSurinamesea Surinamer or a Surinamese
    SwazilandSwazia Swazi
    SwedenSwedisha Swede
    SwitzerlandSwissa Swiss
    SyriaSyriana Syrian
    TaiwanTaiwanesea Taiwanese
    TajikistanTajik or Tadjika Tajik or a Tadjik
    TanzaniaTanzaniana Tanzanian
    ThailandThaia Thai
    TogoTogolesea Togolese
    Trinidad and TobagoTrinidadian
    a Trinidadian
    a Tobagan/Tobagonian
    TunisiaTunisiana Tunisian
    TurkeyTurkisha Turk
    TurkmenistanTurkmen or Turkomana Turkmen or a Turkoman
    TuvaliTuvaluana Tuvaluan
    UgandaUgandana Ugandan
    UkraineUkrainiana Ukrainian
    United Arab Emirates (UAE)UAE or Emirates (used attributively only, as in UAE buildings, Emirates holidays but not He is UAE, I am Emirates) or Emiratian Emirati
    United Kingdom (UK)UK (used attributively only, as in UK time but not He is UK) or Britisha Briton
    United States of America (USA)US (used attributively only, as in US aggression but not He is US)a US citizen
    UruguayUruguayana Uruguayan
    UzbekistanUzbekan Uzbek
    VanuataVanuatuana Vanuatuan
    Vatican City--
    VenezuelaVenezuelana Venezuelan
    VietnamVietnamesea Vietnamese
    WalesWelsha Welshman, a Welshwoman
    Western SamoaWestern Samoana Western Samoan
    YemenYemenia Yemeni
    YugoslaviaYugoslava Yugoslav
    ZaireZaïreana Zaïrean
    ZambiaZambiana Zambian
    ZimbabweZimbabweana Zimbabwean
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